Introduction of Ail
CEO greetings
Management points
History of Ail
Organization chart
Product introduction
Representative equipment line-up
Performance of Gear Hobbing MC
New products
Performance of Gear Grinding MC
Gear Grinding MC remodeled transmission part
Gear Grinding MC remodeled engine part
Gear Grinding M/C remodeling
Performance of Special Purpose Machine
Special Purpose Machine new production (engine part)
Special Purpose Machine remodeling (engine part)
Various equipment and retooling
Electrification equipment new production
Related data
Data room
Internal & external news
Application to Ail
Application Q&A
Customer support
Direction to A-Il
Internet bulletin board
Related data
Data room
Internal & external news
Application to Ail
Application Q&A
Customer support
Direction to A-Il
Internet bulletin board
Special Purpose Machine new production (engine part)
> Product introduction > Performance of Special Purpose Machine M/C > Special Purpose Machine new production (engine part)
Ail pursues customer satisfaction based on the best technology.
Head cam bore boring machine new production
/ Supplied to H company in China
헤드 압후 보링 머신 신작
중국 H사 납품
Block cylinder boring machines
Supplied to H company in China
Machines for block S/motor milling new production
Supplied to W company in China
Block cylinder bore, crank bore boring T/R M/C new
/ Supplied to W company in Korea
Machines for head piezoelectric boring T/R M/C new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Block cylinder bore rough cutting M/C new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Block upper side finishing milling and cylinder bore finishing boring new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Head piezoelectric V/S & V/G boring M/C new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
After Press Head V/S & V/G boring M/C new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Head cam bore finishing boring M/C new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Block line boring T/R M/C new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Block cam bore finishing M/C new production
Supplied to W company in Korea
Head lower side milling new production
Supplied to H company in Korea
Block crank bore deburring
Supplied to H company in India
Machines for Kappa block processing lines
Supplied to W company in China